Friday, February 29, 2008

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Many people think that crashing diet is the easiest way of achieving good health. However, in practical, diets aren't the surest way to achieve the slim and trim figure when it comes to losing weight. Weight loss is most likely to get success when people alter their eating habits and replacing their old unhealthy habit of overeating with eating healthy with adequate nutrients. Here are five ways to make that happen:

Exercise: Regular physical activity not only burns calories but it also builds muscle and helps you to look really good and make you feel look young.

Reduce Screen Time: Spend limited amount of time in front of watching TV, looking at the computer, or playing video games. Give full relaxation to your eyes.

Watch Out for Portion Distortion: Eat smaller portions of food and drink a lot of water or low-fat milk instead of soda.

Eat Properly: Try to eat five servings of fruits and veggies in a day. Fruits and veggies are about more than just vitamins and minerals.

Stop Skipping Breakfast: Breakfast is one of important meals of the day. It regularizes your metabolism, burning calories from the get-go and giving you energy to do more during the day.

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