After completing their residency period, the doctor becomes eligible to sit for the specialty boards and can get the ”Board Certified” degree. It is a kind of a day-long written exam right after completion of residency, After passing the exams; the oral examination is usually conduced by interviewing 6 different professors, almost 2 years later. The toughness and specialty of such an interview will usually in a ob/gyn’s memory for long. Women's magazines and other media often make a big deal out of board certification, but patients should realize that doctor right out of residency. Many ob/gyns join a group practice once residency is over, while others set up to their own practices or join an academic setting so they can teach or do research.
Ob/gyns in practice can expect to work irregular and long hours, ranging from a low of 50 to a high of 90-100 per week.
Gynecology Jobs : Medicos interested in gynecology career can have many fruitful opportunities online. Searchthrough the internet and get some good vacancies online.
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