Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Why Choose OB/GYN career?

Those looking into a profession in Obstetrics/Gynecology must believe that although the normal figure of patient care hours per week hovers just under 50 (according to the A.M.A (American Medical Association).The combined Ob/Gyn career appears to be a very slender area at first look, but that view is unreliable. Both Gynecology jobs and Obstetrics jobs is sole in that it joins primary care, emergency medicine and surgical treatment. An Ob/Gyn surgeon treats a broad range of patients, both in terms of age and background. Ob/Gyn physicians also have the skill to alter their careers to encompass all or just a few facets of Ob/Gyn practice. Obstetrics/Gynecology career is a practical and deeply involved job with satisfying and instant results. This job calls for strong, fast thinking, interpersonal skills and aptitude in a range of specific procedures to care an array of conditions. This high prospect of care also comes with a major threat of negligence. While the majority of claims end in the support of the general practitioner, insurance premiums for Ob/Gyns are among the highest for all physicians. The risk also come outs long after the delivery of a child, as some troubles may not clear themselves for years.

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