Monday, October 15, 2007

What are Obstetrician and Gynecologist Jobs and Responsibilities?

Gynecology jobs in maternity cases is to perform deliveries and take care of diseases and injuries of female reproductive system, recommends prenatal and postnatal care. Arranges and review case histories and finds data through discussions. Inspects patients and verifies medical laboratory tests and x-ray checks required. Evaluates examination findings and understands test results. Advise prenatal and postnatal care, including medication and diets to maintain proper health. Directs nurses in modus operandi for preoperative and postoperative care like prescribing diets, administering tranquilizers and making operative area of patients. Coordinates general surgery jobs and obstetric operations with anesthesiologist and applies surgical procedure. Prescribes and administers conventional measures of treatment as drugs, antibiotics and compresses. Take care of patients suffering from postoperative hemorrhages, surgical shock and other complications.

Manage gynecological and Obstetrics jobs. Prepare plans and actions for gynecological and obstetrical services. Schedules process of gynecological and obstetrical services with other medical doings. Train student and interns residents in gynecological and obstetrical procedures. Serve as counselor on gynecology and obstetrics.

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