Anesthesiology is a special branch of medicine concerned with the study of anesthetics and anesthesia. This particular medical practice deals with injecting general anesthesia into the fluid surrounding the spinal cord increasing scope of methods implemented to provide pain relief during a surgical operation. The other purpose of anesthesiology is to relax the muscles of a patient in order to facilitate the surgeon to carry out his work efficiently. During operations, anesthetists make sure that patient breathe spontaneously during the operation. Besides these important functions, anesthesiology covers different works including:
1) Anesthesiologists manage a patient’s pain and emotional stresses during surgical, obstetrical, and certain other medical procedures.
2) Giving life supports under the stress of anesthetic and surgical manipulations.
(3) The clinical management of an unconscious patient.
(4) Dealing with the problems in pain relief.
(5) Managing the problems in cardiac and respiratory resuscitation.
(6) Applying specific methods of respiratory therapy.
(7) The clinical management of various fluid, electrolyte, and metabolic disturbances.
Being a specialized branch of medicine, anesthesiologists need particular skills and knowledge to ease off the pain of patients in their difficult times. Anesthesia jobs are not an easy as it seems, a person needs to go through higher studies to acquire the skills.